Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog #10

All three of those leaders wanted people to only follow their government party and no other for of government. They all had censorship and wanted to make sure that if they found out if people were against them or what they believed in that person or persons would be sent to punishment. When they all got into power they changed the government that was in place to what they wanted it to be. They all killed a lot of people for small reasons like talking about how they don't like the government or that the people did not like the way things were. Adolf Hitler wanted to make sure that Jews were hated and labeled so people knew not to go buy things from them. Mussolini had the March On Rome to the kings palace to demand power and the king gave it to him because the king thought that Mussolini was the kings last chance to keep the dynasty alive.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I think that overall Stalin was a good leader for the Soviet Union. I Believe this because there are some bad but with those bad things he did there were some good. Everybody makes mistakes and he made some choices he should not have made.
Some positives are that he made schools that kids could go to. He improved the healthcare that was there at the time. He also gave women rights and they started ti get jobs in places they couldnt before. Stalin also helped the economy.
Stalin made censoship which made it so people could not say certain things especially about communism. Stalin killed thousands of people like in the Great Purge. He made the school curriculum all about communism. Kids told on their parents if they talked about communism and they would be jailed.